Flower Guild


St Mary’s Flower Arrangements

St Mary’s being a much-visited church it has to have good flower arrangements, at least one main one but normally two. A rota is drawn up three times a year:  Christmas to Ash Wednesday, Easter to end July and August to Advent, with no flowers during Advent and Lent. Currently each person on the team may reckon to do the flowers once a month with a month off from time to time. There are other people who help occasionally, and everyone available pitches in to decorate the church for Christmas, Easter and Harvest Festival.

New arrangers are very welcome.   A new person is normally put down with an established member of the team for their first go. If you are inexperienced or unconfident you can be rotaed with another person to start with.   To offer to join the team, get in touch with Victoria Mort, or the Church Office.